Pastor - Reverend Preston P. Passos

Associate Pastors - Reverend Francis Melchor Aguilar and Reverend Larry Dowdel

Director of Elementary Religious Education - Colleen Schulze

Administration - Elodia Marquez


The two-year Sacrament Journey to First Holy Communion is an important event for the entire Parish Community. Our mission is to tap into the joy of our awesome Catholic faith. We are most mindful that presenting the Church’s teachings faithfully is absolutely essential. Our goal is to present the doctrine, prayers, tradition and Gospel in ways that engage our children. Together with you and your families we hope to ignite in them a desire to live out their Catholic Faith! 

Class date and times

Classes are planned to begin the first week of October 2024.

Classes will be in held in the Church Hall on Las Posas. 

Year 1 | Tuesday afternoons | Class sessions will be from 4:00pm - 5:30pm.

Year 2 | Wednesday afternoons | Class sessions will be from 4:00pm - 5:30pm.

EXPLORERS | Wednesday afternoons | Class sessions will be from 4:00pm-5:30pm.

It is important that you continue to follow our Instagram account as the fastest way to stay updated.  @smmreligiouseducation


Office hours and enrollment

Enrollments are being accepted online only. You will need a valid email address to register. 

Tuition is $100 per child per year.

Full payment details are with your enrollment form.

After you complete your general online registration form you will automatically receive several documents to review, complete and e-sign. Please be prompt in completing the full registration process in a timely fashion. 

No child will be permitted to participate without all required permissions and authorizations in place. We ask that tuition be paid at the time of enrollment.

Called to be Disciples

“The fundamental role of the baptized is recognized. In their dignity as children of God, all believers are active participants in the catechetical initiative, not passive consumers or recipients of a service, and because of this are called to become authentic missionary disciples.”

Directory for Catechesis USCCB

Mass Attendance

Families enrolled in the St. Mary Religious Education program are asked to attend Mass regularly with their children.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them ...”